On behalf of all the members of Bethanys Hope Foundation we would like to thank you all of you for your very generous Participation in our 1st Annual Cornhole Tournament at the Delaware Community Centre (June 24, 2023).
Finally, we were able to gather “together again” with 30 Teams and your Cheer-Spectators! Because of generous folks like you & your Donors, our Volunteers and the amazing – generous Sponsors our Cornhole Tournament was “another incredible day” for our Foundation!! Together with our wonderful Corporate Donors, Program Sponsors, local Business-Auction Partners and very generous donations gathered by our Registered Players, we raised over $10,000.00 for Leukodystrophy Research at the “Charity Cornhole Tournament”!! Funds from this amazing day will help establish a future Clinical Trial, conducted through “Bethanys Hope Leukodystrophy Laboratory” !!
We are very grateful for the generous support from photographer Tracey Tompkins who captured this awesome day on our behalf! Please take a moment to review her amazing work!
Very Special thanks to Joel & Keri Pincombe with Jill Zavitz for making us look so professional in organizing the Games all day!! We could not host events like this Tournament without the generous support of our community corporate partners and a great Volunteer Team. It takes many hearts and hands to make an event such as this a success. We thank you for your compassion ….. your kindness will long be remembered. Together we continue to give hope to the children suffering & the families struggling with the tragedy of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD).
Be sure to follow us on all our Social Media channels at @bethanyshope as we will be announcing our date for the next exciting BHF Cornhole Tournament”